Technical Overview

This page gives a brief overview of the Metro Retro architecture and system requirements.


Metro Retro is a dynamic, real-time application providing users with a rich interactive environment to work collaboratively. It is primarily deployed into a virtual private cloud operated by Deqo Software Ltd and provided in the form of Software as a Service.

This article describes the architecture of Metro Retro. See our Security and Privacy Policy pages for more information on our security and data protection practices.

Logical Topology

Metro Retro is exposed to customers as a single page web application. Behind this, there are a number of services working in synergy to provide a working service. From a logical perspective (ignoring hardware), these are:

The diagram below shows the logical topology layout including the data transfer routes. Blue lines are one way transfers, purple lines are bi-directional transfers.

Physical Topology

Cloud Deployment

Within the main cloud deployment, we utilize Digital Ocean with the following:

  • Ubuntu VMs for App Server, App Worker, Snapper, Podopolis, Rabbit MQ, Redis & Caddy

  • Digital Ocean Managed Postgres & MongoDB instances

  • Digital Ocean Spaces (S3 Compatible Storage)

  • Bunny CDN as the external CDN provider

Each component runs directly on a dedicated VM of a size applicable for the current system load.

Last updated