Beta Features

These are experimental features - we are still working on these, but please try these in your boards and let us know your feedback!

Jira Integration

Jira integration is available on paid plans.

If you are on a Free plan and want to try the Jira integration free for 7 days, get in touch with us!

With the new Jira integration, you can now work with your Jira backlog in your Metro Retro board.

Jira cards can be imported and edited, or new issues can be sent to Jira from your stickies!

What can I do with the Jira integration in Metro Retro?

Jira items can be imported into your boards as a Jira card and used in any board.

For example, you could review what happened in the last sprint, or send your retrospective actions to Jira.

Or looking ahead, you could run a poker planning session, refine the upcoming backlog, run sprint planning, review and prioritise bugs or technical debt.

Current capabilities - May 2024

  • Import issues from your JIRA projects

  • Edit issue title, assignee, type, status, story points

  • Create a Jira issue from a sticky note.

Coming Soon

We'll be adding these features in a future update:

  • View and edit the description for a Jira issue

  • View and make comments on a Jira issue

  • Manually map custom Jira fields to use in Metro Retro

  • A better search and filter

  • Choose issue type when creating from stickies

How to use the Jira Integration

Tip - If this is the first time you are connecting to Jira, you will need to authenticate with your Atlassian account.

Each person on the board who will create or edit Jira items must connect their Atlassian account.

Importing Jira Data

Step 1 - Import data

Click the board name in the top left, and select "import data".

Step 2 - Pick your project and items

Step 3 - Pick Jira issues

Select the issues you want to import:

Step 4 - Use Jira items

Your Jira issues are imported and can now be used on the board and edited:

Create Jira issues from sticky notes

To create Jira items from sticky notes:

  1. Select the stickies you want to export to Jira

  2. Click the "send to Jira" button.

  3. Enter your project ID, then confirm.

  4. Your stickies will convert into Jira cards and be sent to Jira. Note - you cannot choose the issue type yet, they will be created as the default issue type on that project. Once the Jira card has been created, you can change the issue type from your board. Use Bulk Change on multiple Jira cards.

  5. Go to Jira to see your newly-created Jira items!

Delete a Jira card

Deleting a Jira card in Metro Retro does not delete the issue in Jira. It only removes the card from your board.

How to enable immediate 2-way sync

The default Jira connection is not a real-time 2 way sync, instead the data is updated each time you import data or refresh your board.

To enable continuous 2-way sync, your Jira admin needs to contact us to get this set up.

Jira Integration Feedback

We need your feedback to know what's missing for your team and how we can improve the Jira integration for you. Talk to us using the support chat in your boards or email us contact [@]

Data Security when using the Jira Integration

At least one user on a board must be present and connected to Jira with their Atlassian credentials.

Any user with access to a board can view the Jira issues that have been imported, this includes guests.

Only users that have an active connection authenticated through your Organization's Atlassian login can make updates to Jira issues.

Your Jira data is not permanently stored in Metro Retro when imported. Only the Jira issue ID is stored, and each time the board is opened or refreshed, the full payload of issue data is retrieved each time using those issue IDs. This is stored in temporary memory, which is removed once all Atlassian-authenticated users close the board.

Jira integration data security - expand for more detail

Metro Retro <> Jira integration

Why connect Metro Retro to Jira?

Teams can use their Jira data in Metro Retro for a variety of reasons:

  • Sprint Planning

  • Workload management

  • Retrospectives and Sprint reviews

  • Task management

  • Scoping and planning

  • Roadmaps

  • Visualisation of workstreams

How does Metro Retro connect to Jira?

Metro Retro uses OAuth 2.0 to connect a Metro Retro user to a Jira user. The user initiates this flow from within Metro Retro. Their active user (e.g. who they are logged in as) will be connected to their Jira account via the Atlassian OAuth 2.0 login flow.

Note: Deqo Software Ltd is our registered company name, we make Metro Retro.

Once the user has logged into their Atlassian profile and agreed to the connection, Altassian provides us with an offline refresh token that we can use to make requests on behalf of that Jira user. If the user wishes to remove this connection, they can do so at any time from their user preferences in Metro Retro.

What can Metro Retro users do with their Jira data?

Users with an active connection to their Atlassian/Jira user can:

  • View Projects they have access to

  • View and import Issues they have access to

  • Create or Update Issues they have access to

Currently, there is no way to delete data in Jira via Metro Retro. This is a design choice we made to prevent any accidental deletion of data. Deleting a Jira Card on a Metro Retro board just removes the link to the issue.

What Jira data is stored in Metro Retro?

Metro Retro stores:

  • Issue data that is imported/loaded for 24 hours in a temporary cache. This includes issue metadata as well as metadata about related objects such as assigned users or epics/sprints.

  • Issue ids that are imported into boards until they or the board is deleted.

The key point here to understand is that we do not store any data from Jira, except the ID of issues, in our primary databases.

When a user opens a board that has imported Jira Cards (or imports for the first time), the app will request the latest version of these issues from the temporary cache or Jira, assuming the user has a connection to Jira active. If not, the tickets will appear in a placeholder state with no data present.

Can non-authenticated users view Jira data?

Non-authenticated users cannot independently access your Jira data, but if Jira data has been brought into a board they have access to by another authorized user, they will be able to view the data if it’s been loaded into the board. They cannot modify it.

An example:

An employee of your company imports Jira issues into a board, then invites an external guest from outside the company to the board. The guest will be able to view the imported data, but cannot make changes.

Questions & more information

If you have any other questions, please feel free to email with your questions.

Our Security, Terms, and Privacy pages may also be useful.


Tags are a way to add additional labels to sticky notes and cards:

  • Tags can either be just a label or a label & value.

  • Tags can be customized with color and symbol.

  • Tags can be added by right clicking and choosing Add Tag

  • Tags can be quickly added by typing a #hashtag or wrapping a label/value in square brackets like this: [valueTag=50].

  • Tags are currently in "beta" - we'll be expanding their use and application in 2024.

Add videos to your board

Paste the link to a video to embed it into your board. Copy either the Youtube link or the MP4 link and paste it directly onto the board with Ctrl + V.

The video will appear on your board and can be played / stopped with a single click.

Ctrl + click selects the video so you can move, resize and delete it.


To slap someone, hold the space bar and fling your cursor through their avatar to send them flying (with bonus sound effects). If you find slaps annoying, disable them in the user settings.

Command Palette

We built Metro Retro so that all actions on a board can be programmatically executed with commands.

This means that in the future you could script an automated workshop. We're not quite there yet, but for now you can browse examples of the commands that will be available for keyboard ninjas.

Press the Ctrl + Space keys to bring up the Command Palette.

From here you can scroll through the commands, or type to find a command.

This is in very early stages, so we don't recommend doing anything with it beyond browsing the commands. You'd need to know the correct parameters to type for most of the operations.

The command palette is in the very early stages and is experimental, so exercise caution when using it.

Last updated