Customizing the board layout

Design Mode

You must be in Design mode to build a board or customize the layout.

You can build completely custom board layouts with Metro Retro, whether it's for unique retros or complex workshops. The Shape tool, Zone tool, Text tool, and Image tool give you all the basic components needed.


Zones are the basic 'container' for sticky notes. Most of the retro templates use zones. Zones have the option to override the color of sticky notes inside them.

Build layouts with shapes

You can use shapes to build custom layouts, or for general whiteboarding.

Text Tool

Use the text tool to add headings, labels, and instructions to your board.

Add Images

You can upload images directly from your computer, or copy & paste from anywhere. You can also link to GIFs, and search through an image library (Pixabay).

Layout design tips

Rotating objects

Shapes, text, images, and arrows can be rotated. Move your mouse to the outside of an object's corner, then when the cursor changes to two arrows, click and drag the object around.

Object Nesting

Objects can be nested inside each other, so that when you move the parent object, everything inside it moves too. Great for more complicated layouts.

Objects have a 'Container' property that controls this - if turned off a shape will not contain any of the objects inside it.

Layer Order

Bring objects to front or back of each other. Right-click an object to access the context menu.

You can also use the keyboard shortcuts: Shift + [ or ], or move one layer up/down with just [ and ].

Rotate objects

Rotate objects by moving your cursor just outside any corner until you see the cursor change to rotation arrows, then click and drag to rotate the object around its central axis. You can also rotate multiple selected objects in the same way. You cannot rotate sticky notes, index cards, groups or tokens.

Undo / Redo

Use Undo & Redo if you make mistakes.

Note - you cannot undo other people's actions because each person's actions are captured separately.

Cloning objects

You can clone objects by selecting them, then press the Alt key and any direction key together. Alternatively, hold the Alt key and drag from the object - a clone will be created.

Copy & paste

You can copy & paste an object or multiple selected objects. The new copy is placed directly on top of the original.

You can also copy & paste across different boards and templates

Last updated